The Ultimate Guide to Integrated Marketing Solutions

Over the last few decades, the word silo has evolved from conjuring images of vast farms with tall, cylindrical structures holding grain to a rather negatively perceived designation in the business world. Often when the word silo is associated with the inner workings of a company it is not used in the best light and companies are working hard to steer away from this unproductive way of thinking.  

Businesses, from the small-town mom and pop to Fortune 500 corporations know that working in silos is generally a negative construct and when this is applied to the marketing world time, customers, and eventually, money are at risk of being lost. The strength of a successful marketing campaign conceived with integrated marketing solutions in mind will divest a business from the silo mentality and create a consistent and cohesive approach that will ultimately lead to achieving your company’s goals.   

What are Integrated Marketing Solutions? 

It’s not as complex as it might sound. Every business should have a marketing plan because- here comes that word silo again- no one can do it on their own. You might have the most fabulous product or service in the known universe, but if you are not getting your message out in the most consistent, cost-effective way, then you are missing out on customers and revenue. And to add another layer to understanding the marketing of your business, if you haven’t chosen wisely about how you market then will get the same results, but this time with a price tag.  

Integrated marketing solutions are not just basic marketing. It is a finely-tuned advertising plan focusing on projecting a unified message that will maximize its impact across multiple marketing channels, especially when incorporating a digital marketing strategy combined with some traditional platforms. You might ask “why solutions?” The easy answer is that marketing strategists are problem-solvers when the task is to help clients achieve goals through a well-crafted, targeted message. Advertising and marketing campaigns are as complex and diverse as no other time in the industry and with the advent of highly effective digital advertising, businesses are well-positioned to land their message on a wider and engaged audience.  

Best Practices to Get Started with Integrated Marketing  

Taking that first step might feel a little uncertain when trying to assess the enormous advertising resources at your disposal. Think of that first step as an investment into guiding the narrative of who you are as a business and what you want to achieve. Defining your goals is a great place to start. Are you an established company but want to increase your brand awareness? Or maybe you have new products or services to launch and want to blanket your audience with this latest info? And quite possibly your business might just need to have some new life breathed into it so rebranding may be the strategy you require. Whatever goals you may have integrated marketing can be successfully used to achieve your intended outcomes.  

Integrated Marketing

An integrated marketing strategist will assist you in selecting the correct channels to disseminate your message and build your brand. The available options are more numerous than ever, thus enlisting the expertise of a specialist knowledgeable in both inbound and outbound channels will provide you with platforms that perform well and deliver results. 

Depending on your goals, a variety of inbound marketing platforms will most likely include blog posts and other kinds of articles, website content analysis, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), as well as the vast and influential landscape of social media. Outbound marketing options include traditional forms of advertising like TV, radio, billboards, and print. While some may seem out of date when utilized in combination with digital advertising their power can translate to new customers and increased sales. The most important thing to consider is no matter what channels you use, your integrated marketing campaigns will be not only matched to your audience but will also have the ability to tailor a consistent message for each.       

Next Steps with Your Integrated Marketing 

You now have an advertising strategist by your side who has analyzed and defined your audience demographics to align with the advertising channels that will attract your established customers as well as newcomers to your business. The next pieces of your integrated marketing plan include content creation and pinpointing a schedule conducive to the individual nuances of each platform while conveying your consistent message. What works for one might not work for the other, but fortunately, a precisely honed campaign consistent with photos, images, videos, and written content built across multiple channels will achieve the desired effect- a diverse approach with a powerful message that drives customers to your actual and virtual door.      

What are the Risks of Not Taking the Integrated Marketing Solutions Approach? 

The risks could be costly. Think about how your business is recognized and defined in the marketplace. You’ve worked hard to create your visual message – logo, colors, slogans, and content. If any of these veer off the path, that is, appear differently on different channels, then your message becomes muddled and customers can become confused, or worse- disinterested.  You don’t want customers gravitating toward your competitors because you appear disorganized and no longer identifiable.  

Integrated marketing solutions took the word silo and kicked it to the curb. In today’s marketplace, advertising can’t possibly work within a silo. Business owners must look at the possibilities holistically and then choose wisely across the available advertising channels to solidify their message, engage customers, and drive those hard-earned sales.    

Contact one of the digital marketing strategists at CDMG today to discuss integrated marketing solutions. 

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